How To Train A Yorkie

By Troy Dyer

It's an important thing for your sanity and all the other people involved that as adorible as your Yorkie is, you master Yorkie training to make dog ownership seamless. Unfortunately these cute little things can be a bit naughty when it comes to their behavior. What is meant here is that they are not completely out of control or that they need a personality make over; no, that's not what I am saying. Hence what this does entail is a specialized training regiment that is critical to whether you want a cute dog that is well trained and is able to be managable or not.

Yorkie Uniqueness

Understand that Yorkies are not the easiest breeds around. Challenging you sometimes is the Yorkie because of their stubborness and independence. While being little, Yorkies can have iron will and focus on one thing with persistence.

Their cute looks can be deceiving. You really have to keep in mind that they are a dog and must be trained accordingly-don't be fooled by their adorableness. Your Yorkie should not become accustomed to getting the rewards that a small child might get because they are cute and little. The second you do that, you will lose the power between you and your Yorkie.

You will actually put your dog at risk and may even hurt the Yorkie if you do not properly master Yorkie training. Yorkies can be feisty and strong willed, and as a result, it could put the dog in jeopardy. Preventing problems should be your goal by properly training the Yorkie.

Yorkie Training 101

Some basic things need to be reviewed here: namely, commands. The type of commands I am talking about are the following: "sit," "stay," and "down."

Yorkies do have the problem of jumping on things and people, and they need to be taught not to do this. They should be carried up and down stairs and not allowed to jump on your furniture. Without doubt, those boundries should be defined as soon as possible.

One can become very discouraged with Yorkie training if they don't know what to do. For you and your Yorkie, it will be worth it, but it's going to take some time and dedication. You can have an amazing (and cute) dog in your Yorkie when you take the time to learn how to properly train them, and then actually do it.

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